Sunday, February 6, 2011

One project done, six to go!!

Hi all!!!

Today I felt very crappy and ill :(  but I did managed to get things finished as you can read in the title. even managed to clean up my room (for as far as possible).
Took pretty much of my energy though.

It's my mascotte costume 'Marieke' for Animecon2011.
I won't spoil the fun with a complete picture of the costume so therefor I only post a picture of the dress without hat, wooden shoes and the cape + broche.

This is the first time I clayed something that looks like something XD
It's my first skull ever and it looks pretty much OK to me.

And this is after the paintjob:

Also started on Oruha - Clover 's skirt today and it's also finished.
It's very short haha so luckily I have some kind of long skirt on top of it.

This is it for today.
I might either work a little on Oruha's top or just get myself a cup of tea and play a little on my Xbox360.

Kimberley (Megumii)


  1. Zo ziet er echt mooi uit. Ik zelf hou wel van zulke jurken als het om verkleden gaat ^__^

  2. De jurk is echt heel mooi geworden ^.^

  3. Wow kim! Ik kan niet wachten op je volgende projecten :D En die skull ziet er best cute uit XD
