Friday, May 4, 2012

Some updates

Hey all,

Animecon is very close now. Two weeks left and I'm realy looking forward to it somehow XD
Walking around in new costumes, maybe having some photoshoots with Melissa if we have some spare time, seeing my friends again and also friends from other countries <3
Also probably looking forward cause I just need a weekend off with lots of fun XD

I'm also planning on giving a Bodycombat grouplesson!!
Yup that's on a convention XD
Yet my only problem is that I trained a little too hard with some intense workouts (not the Bodycombat workouts) and that I injured both my knees >__<
For as far as I know it's not extremely injured but just more like 'OMFG...WTH YOU JUST DID WITH US U B*TCH!!!'
So I REALLLLLLY hope both my knees are at fully 100% strenght and that my fitlevel is at least at his 80% cause this truly sucks alot :((((

Anyways here are my updates:

Sheryl Nome wig:

Sheryl Nome's microphone

Wig for my Lily Vocaloid cosplay
Note: I'm wearing blue-ish contacts here

Also update on how her socks/boots look like

Close up of my eyes and make-up
Note: see the difference with the lens on top left.
At the right side it's my Sheryl Nome make-up (wich I have to alter a little bit)
At the bottom is my Lily make-up

 Also a picture of my old Sheryl Nome wig that I altered with pink wefts and recurled.

Still have to repair my other Sheryl Nome costume. I don't know if I will be able to wear it or get a photoshoot in it but's so extremely light weighted. It's more like a summer dress XD
Well gotta go.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

On the road again

Hey all,

The last time I posted something was a little too long ago.
Yes I do have a blog on my website and somehow...I just don't use it.

Somehow I needed a big brake of cosplay but it started to itch again around Januari.

At this moment I'm very busy with my Sheryl Nome costume.
It's from the movie and it's her final robe she's wearing when she's singing the song 'Sayonara no tsubasa'

Here are some pics

Jacket and details: 

Whole outfit:

Earrings: on the pic they are still missing the blue pearl


Wig: the first wig is going to be used for another Sheryl Nome cosplay. The second wig is going to be the wig for this costume.

I'm also busy with my Marieke mascotte oufit. She had to look like a gundam but I wasn't able to make it. So instead of a gundam I tried out an outfit for if Marieke was in the gundam itself.
It wasn't easy to design an outfit that looked cool and yet looked good with wooden shoes under it X__X
so I went back to her basic outfit but instead of sweet wide maid dress I made a leather semi-flared dress.
On her shoulders she has shoulderpads covered with studs, her maid apron and I still need a few more items.

Note: I didn't added the studs back then. Also my fittingdoll is black so you won't really see much.

Futhermore I'm busy with a 3th costume and this one is....
dum dum dum duuuum
yes a Vocaloid costume...
Actually a new vocaloid and this one is pretty sexy.

Lily - Vocaloid

Why?? Well...just because I can XDD

All costumes have to be finished before 19th of May....
Still a couple of weeks but alot of work still needs to be done X____x

Going to stop this post now cause I have to go to work.
